The “Other Vassoura Oil” and volatile fractions from Baccharis uncinella DC. (Asteraceae) as potential sources for flavor and fragrance Industry.

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The “Other Vassoura Oil” and volatile fractions from Baccharis uncinella DC. (Asteraceae) as potential sources for flavor and fragrance Industry.




Baccharis L. (Asteraceae) contains more than 440 species of
exclusively American distribution, from USA to Argentina,
concentrated mostly in the highland areas of southern Brazil and throughout the Andes. Besides its ethnopharmacological/ medicinal importance, Baccharis volatile fractions (VFs) are important sources of bioactive compounds for flavor and fragrance industry, mainly the species B. dracunculifolia DC. and in a lesser extention B. trimera (Less.), whose essential oils (vassoura and carqueja oil, respectively) are in commerce. However, research and valorization of other Baccharis species as aroma sources remains scarce to date. In this chapter we discuss the relevance of B. uncinella DC., the species more
closely related genetically to B. dracunculifolia. Focusing our study on the different techniques and protocols applied to obtain B. uncinella VFs, namely steam distillation (SD, at both, laboratory- and pilot-scales to obtain the “other vassoura essential oil”), simultaneous distillation- extraction (SDE), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The chemical identification and quantitation of VFs was carried out by conventional gas chromatography (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (quadrupole analyzer) (GC-qMS). A close look at the data indicated that the chemical composition of B. uncinella VFs largely depended on the extraction technique, thus significantly affecting their aromatic potential. Only SDE allowed the recovery of lighter volatile compounds as C6 components (i.e., “green leaf volatiles”), pilot-scale SD concentrated more hydrocarbons and fewer oxygenated compounds compared to laboratory-scale SD, and SFE recovered several oxygenated monoterpenes and polyquinane sesquitepenes (tentative identification) not obtained by the other techniques. The main components found in the VFs were α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, (E)-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, and caryophyllene oxide; most of them olfactorily relevant compounds according to previous studies. Therefore, the importance of B. uncinella, its VFs and the “other vassoura oil” as potential sources of aromatic compounds in the flavor and fragrance industry is highlighted.


Catalán, César A. N.
Cassel, Eduardo


Volatile oils : production, composition and uses / Sunita Singh, ed. -- [s.l.] : Nova Science, 2021. -- pp. 187-246


Nova Science




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December 29, 2021
Bibliografía Nacional Química
Tipo de Elemento
Minteguiaga, Manuel, “The “Other Vassoura Oil” and volatile fractions from Baccharis uncinella DC. (Asteraceae) as potential sources for flavor and fragrance Industry.,” RIQUIM - Repositorio Institucional de la Facultad de Química - UdelaR, accessed July 23, 2024,